Walterville Weather Station

Data collected at 12:00:52 AM  Saturday 27-Jul-24 (UTC - 0700)

Category Description Measurements Leaburg Historical
Temperature Now 56°F    13°C  
Maximum 83.4°F    29°C 84.2°F
Minumum 45.1°F    7°C 51.3°F
24 hour average 64.0°F    18°C  
Calendar month 71.4°F    22°C 66.0°F
Last month 62.1°F    17°C  
Dew point now 47°F    8°C
Relative Humidity Now73%  
Maximum 90%
Minimum 33%
Solar Radiation Now0 W/m2  
Maximum 1075.36 W/m2
Today's energy 6.98 kWh/m2
Altimeter Now 29.90" Hg    1012.5 mb  
Trend Steady
Maximum 30.11" Hg    1019.6 mb
Minimum 29.87" Hg    1011.5 mb
Wind Velocity Now 0 mph    0.0 m/s  
Sustained 0.0 mph    0.0 m/s
10 min. average 0.0 mph    0.0 m/s
24 hour average 0.1 mph    0.0 m/s
Peak 13 mph (5.8 m/s) from SW at 1320
Calendar month 0 mph    0.0 m/s  
Wind run 7 miles    11 km
Last month run 7 miles    11 km
Wind Direction Now 360° (N)  
Sustained N
10 min. average N
Precipitation Rate now 0.00 iph  0.0 mm/h  
Peak rate 0 iph (0.0 mm/h)
Last hour total 0.00"    0.0 mm  
24 hour total 0.00"    0.0 mm 0.02
From midnight 0.00"    0.0 mm  
Yesterday 0.00"    0.0 mm  
Storm total 0.00" (0.0 mm)
Calendar month 0.00"    0.0 mm 0.82"
Calendar year 34.07"    865.4 mm 37.59"
Rain year (Oct 1) 52.92"    1344.2 mm 63.28"
Last month 1.32"    33.5 mm  
Last calendar year 40.57"    1030.5 mm
Last rain year 38.61"    980.7 mm
Evapotranspiration Today 0.120"  
Yesterday 0.13"
Last 7 days 0.87"
Calendar month 3.58"
Calendar year 14.19"
Last month 3.29"
Last year 22.81"
Degree Days Month, 40° base 770  
Month, 50° base 522 498
Month, heating 74 54
Month, cooling 234  
Season, 40° base 2742  
Season, 50° base 1285 2147
Season, heating 74 4769
Season, cooling 385.6  


The following are calculated for the station's latitude, longitude and elevation.

Sun Moon
Rise 05:53:37 23:35:07
Set 20:41:30 12:20:59
Max Elevation         65.1° at 13:17:54         50.8° at 05:39:58    
Phase N.A.     0.8 days before the 3rd Quarter    

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The following measurements are available as 24 hour charts.

Combined | Humidity | Pressure | Rainfall | Solar radiation | Temperature | Wind direction | Wind speed

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